孫亞利 性别:女 所屬部門:電子科學與技術系 職稱:校聘副教授 學曆:博士 郵箱:sunyali@hbu.edu.cn 研究方向:半導體薄膜光電子器件;新型光伏材料與電池 |

[1] Sun Yali, Qiu Pengfei, Yu Wei, et al. N-Type Surface Design for p-Type CZTSSe Thin Film to Attain High Efficiency. Advanced Materials, 2021, 33, 2104330. (中科院1區Top,IF: 32.0847)
[2] Sun Yali, Qin Shumin, Ding Dongliang, et al. Promoting carrier collection by DMF/DMSO binary solvent for efficient kesterite solar cells. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 455, 140596. (中科院1區Top,IF: 16.744)
[3] Sun Yali, Guo Hongling, Qiu Pengfei, et al. Na-doping-induced modification of the Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4/CdS heterojunction towards efficient solar cells. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2021, 57, 618-626. (中科院1區Top,IF: 13.5989)
[4] Sun Yali, Qiu Pengfei, Wang Siyu, et al. Defect Control for High-Efficiency Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Solar Cells by Atomic Layer Deposition of Al2O3 on Precursor Film. Solar RRL, 2021, 5, 2100181. (中科院2區,IF: 9.1726)
[5] Sun Yali, Li Xiuling, Qiao Weiliang, et al. A promising photovoltaic material Cu2MnSn(S,Se)4: Film growth and its application in solar cell. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2021, 219, 110788. (中科院2區,IF: 7.3048)
[6] Sun Yali, Du Linyuan, Liu Zhiwei, et al. Non-vacuum prepared 9.1% efficient Cu2Zn(Sn,Ge)(S,Se)4 solar cells using a novel selenization process. Materials Letters, 2017, 195, 76-78. (中科院3區,IF: 3.574)